Saving Face and Your Ass at the Same Time

Is it really possible to save face and get your self out of deep trouble?

Meetings, having a therapist or a sponsor to talk to or clergyman or a good friend give us the opportunity to admit our shortcomings and take action.

It is not always easy to admit when we are wrong or that some thing just isn’t working in our lives. In fact, most of us would like to just hide away and let it all go by, let it all take care of itself. Meanwhile, our problems are driving a Maserati and have gone ahead of us and eaten chile at truck stop and are waiting for us at our destination. There is no geographical cure and no other way out but to admit our powerlessness and the exact nature of our wrongs.

The trick is really seeing what those problems are. Denial is such a strong force.

So baby, Watch your face, I mean Watch your ass…

Your Pretty Face is Going to Hell

One Comment on “Saving Face and Your Ass at the Same Time”

  1. Andrea says:

    “I wish grace and healing were more abracadabra kind of things. Also, that delicate silver bells would ring to announce grace’s arrival. But no, it’s clog and slog and scootch, on the floor, in the silence, in the dark.”
    — Anne Lamott (Grace [Eventually]: Thoughts on Faith)
    “I do not understand the mystery of grace — only that it meets us where we are and does not leave us where it found us.”
    — Anne Lamott
    “You can get the monkey off your back, but the circus never leaves town”
    — Anne Lamott (Grace [Eventually]: Thoughts on Faith)
    I thought such awful thoughts that I cannot even say them out loud because they would make Jesus want to drink gin straight out of the cat dish.”
    — Anne Lamott

    Just recently discovered this writer, love her…love you-Andrea

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