My Godchild

This is a happy day for so many reasons, but the best thing of all is, today, my Godchild is 21 years old.

I think back to this day in the hospital room when her parents asked me to be her Godmother and I feel so happy I could be sober and be granted this precious station in life. My Godchild has been the most amazing teacher to me. I have learned to love so deeply and so completely by having this sweet little spirit in my life. I was 5 months and 19 days sober when she was born. (Her parents didn’t know any one sober. Maybe this is why I got the job LOL kidding… sorta.)

I am so happy and grateful and blessed and honored to have had the spiritual experience of being a mother.

Happy Birthday My sweet girl.

I love you.

Joanna Newsom

Sprout and Bean