Invention of Lying


We all do it every day.  We lie to ourselves. We lie to others. Little white ones so as not to hurt another’s feelings and then there are those big, big ones. Lies about drinking drugs, affairs, so we can have our cake and eat it too. How long can a person get away with it? It takes so much energy to keep up with lies. Lies create burn out and exhaustion. I think lies are stealing. Lies steal souls and time on earth.

There is a movie called the Invention of Lying, a British movie, provocative.

It was a world where everyone had to tell the truth. Everyone was so honest, it was hurtful to those who weren’t good-looking or whatever. Some of it really funny.. You could see how lies could have helped. One day, a man told a lie to his dying mother. He told her there was a beautiful place called Heaven and she would go there and meet a man named God and one day her son would join her there.. The story continues, but you get it.

This man was lying to make his dying mom feel better. Is that OK?  What is really behind lies?

In AA, Honesty is our code. Nothing moves or happens until the wound is lanced and all the lies and poison escape.

It feels like shit, but do we tell the truth right away and blurt it all out and hurt the person we have been lying to?

The 11th step talks about except when to do so would injure them or others.

I hate to see others lying big, ugly lies and standing by and doing nothing, but I figure it’s their Karma. What would you do?

It’s kind of like seeing a parent be cruel to a kid in a grocery store. Do you step in and correct the parent? Yes, I would, I have. A child is defenseless, but one would figure an adult would have enough snap or intuition to figure it out.

Is it best to just figure the other person deserves to be lied to. Their Karma too?? But what kind of Karma does one create for themselves if they do nothing?

It is clear to me that there are just really, sick people in the world who lie and steal our souls and if we are so intent on getting our egos satisfied with winning, then we will never grow spiritually. So, do we just not do anything about people being dishonest? Or do we call then out and tell them our opinion and our belief?

What would Bill

Where’s freakin’ Jesus and Buddha when you need them?

“Be Impeccable With Your Word.” Don Miguel Ruiz

John Lennon

Just Give Me Some Truth

Addicted to Love?

Can some one really be addicted to love? Because true love is something so rare, how can a person be addicted to it?

I think some times a person is addicted to winning or addicted to owning or controlling another person, but addicted to love?

Hmm, that just doesn’t make sense.

Can a person be addicted to their emotions?

I see how a person can be in such fear of losing another person and the fear of being alone that they cling like a cling on.

I understand that, but does love apply here?

I see how a person stays in a bad relationship out of guilt, but love is done by that time, that’s not love, so addicted to love doesn’t make sense.

Being in love doesn’t mean being a door mat…Loser..

Being in love doesn’t mean you are constantly compromised or your trust is broken over and over.

That’s not even a good friendship.

Compromising in Relationships

Just saying…

The Cure

Friday I’m in Love

Urban Dictionary Define True Love

Lion Heart

Sometimes we let our fear paralyze us.

Fear and cowardly behavior is a huge negative road block to our spiritual connection.

This is why …

We walked through fear and guess what? We are still alive.

Our feelings didn’t kill us.

My fear didn’t kill me and the people I had to face up to were actually understanding and loving.

Any one who really loves will let  go.

Trust is everything.

When that trust is broken over and over and no progress is being made, it is time to face our fears.

As long as we are taking the steps, we will be there for each other for support.

The minute we hesitate we lose connection with others and with our Higher Power.

Change happens when the pain of holding on is greater than the fear of letting go.

Hold dearly what is printed on our AA Chip.

Recovery, Service, Unity

To thine own self be true and the courage to change the things I can.

Rock it!!!


New York Dolls