Life Isn’t Fair

Does Justice Prevail?

Equilibrium, fairness, harmony, symmetry, balancing, centering, readjustment, rectification and stabilizing.

Will cosmic law return a position of balance, objectivity, compromise, honesty, integrity and truth?

Uh, nope. Life is hard and fucked up and hardly ever fair, so quit whining and just move on.


One foot in front of the other, trudge the happy road of destiny, one step at a time. However we need to do it, we just gotta do it, cause staying in the same place doing the same thing over and over expecting different results is CRAZY insane!!

Yeah, we gotta change and it sucks to change. Even though we welcome change, the process can be rough, admitting and having the courage to change. But oh, how fab to be on the other side of the work, free from the obsession, imbalance and disharmony!

Whew! Ya, a relief, but what do we have to do to get there..? Go to Therapy? Change jobs? Leave a lover? Eat healthier? Stop Drinking? Quit Drugs?  Get a divorce? Quit lying to others and ourselves? What ever it is, nothing is worse than living in situations that are just plain old stagnation and fantasy. We create great mythology to support our addictions and unhealthy behavior, but sooner or later it all catches up and after time of pretense, it just gets impossible to keep up appearances. We just aren’t cool any more. The Emperor has no clothes. Wake the fuck up!

When we can’t fool any one any more and it’s pretty obvious the gig is up, we realize, the only thing we have control of, is, ourselves.

Addiction and unhealthy living affects everything.

Solution for unfairness, ACCEPTANCE!

Make peace with it, go through it and change the situation.

A ship in port is safe, but that is not what ships are built for. Sail out to see and do new things.
Grace Hopper

Band of Skulls

Honest 2009


Puking our brains out, headaches, memory loss, black outs… Whew! that was fun.

Ya know, there is a point when it just stops working. Like all addictions. it just becomes a bad habit, an obsession, something we can’t stop doing.


Hangovers and black outs, a way of life for alcoholics, but we couldn’t stop drinking until we truly wanted to change our lives.

Desire is the key. Really wanting change. Really seeing ourselves in the light of day. Really taking the risk of change takes real courage. Asking for help takes courage. Coming to our first AA meeting takes real courage. Honesty takes real courage. Awakening to ourselves and our thoughts takes courage.

Being honest with ourselves is our first step.

Then we get honest with others and that is an even deeper level of courage.

A hangover describes the sum of unpleasant physiological effects following heavy consumption of alcoholic beverages. The most commonly reported characteristics of a hangover include headache, nausea, sensitivity to light and noise, lethargy, dysphoria, diarrhea and thirst, typically after the intoxicating effects of the alcohol begin to wear off. While a hangover can be experienced at any time, generally speaking a hangover is experienced the morning after a night of heavy drinking. In addition to the physical symptoms, a hangover may also induce psychological symptoms including heightened feelings of depression and anxiety.

Hypoglycemia, dehydration, acetaldehyde intoxication, glutamine rebound, and vitamin B12 deficiency are all theorized causes of hangover symptoms.

Addiction/Obsession. It is always fascinating how we can’t give something up, even when it is obviously a hopeless situation. How we are compelled to do the same thing over and over expecting different results. How our habits control us. How we can’t stop doing the very thing that sets us back, that cages us, that controls us, that eventually kills us. When it stops working, it’s not much of a party anymore. The pay offs are hangovers and wreckage.

If you can’t stop …

What You Need for a HANG-OVER is:

  • A bed
  • Peace and quiet
  • A shower
  • Water
  • Juice
  • Gatorade or Powerade
  • Pickle juice
  • Bloody Mary (Ya, this one works right?)

My Obsession

Rolling Stones

Between the Buttons